Monday, January 30, 2012

Tweet your way to a new job: 8 Twitter templates

By Amy Levin-Epstein 

Recently I spoke to industry experts about how to maintain your Facebook page and LinkedIn profile so as to enhance, and not derail, your career. But can you tweet your way to a new job? The answer is yes -- if you use your 140 characters wisely. I've asked eight career experts for their best Twitter job search tips, as well as for specific sample tweets. You can tweak the eight basic templates below for your industry and desired position.

Note that some of these templates may be tweeted en masse to your (hopefully industry-targeted) network. But others should be sent directly to the corporate Twitter handle of your dream company, or to individuals there, suggests Tony Morrison, vice president of business development at Cachinko. "This builds an open channel of communication," Morrison says. One last suggestion: only post on Twitter what you would say face-to-face to your current boss, if you have a job.

Ask a question to start a conversation
The goal with Twitter shouldn't be to get a job offer, but to start a conversation that will lead to a job interview. Politely asking for feedback or a short coffee meeting can get that ball rolling, says Heather R. Huhman, founder of Come Recommended. Here's her sample tweet that should trigger responses:

@Looking for a job in X field, and would greatly appreciate feedback on my online portfolio! Check it out here: [link]

Be super specific
What value could you bring to a particular company? This should be front and center in an interview -- and in a tweet, says Caroline Ceniza-Levine, partner at Six Figure Start. Here is Ceniza-Levine's sample tweet for a marketing position:

@employerX I've run social media campaigns that increase Likes by 25% and followers by 10%. I can do the same for you [insert shortened LinkedIn profile hyperlink here]

Be attention-grabbing
Key words and appropriate hash tags allow Twitter's unique features to draw attention to your tweet, says Luis Perez, career advisor with Winter, Wyman. Here is Perez's sample tweet for an engineering position:

Accomplished mobile app engineer; knows #OOP, 4 and 5 star rated portfolio and high engagement rate. Just published this award winning app [insert hyperlink.]

Show your stuff

Be sure to link to samples of your work, says Ellen Lubin-Sherman, author The Essentials of Fabulous: Because Whatever Doesn't Work Here Anymore. Her example:

@employerX Searching for a new X? I believe in "show, don't tell." My online portfolio is proof positive I will deliver. [insert hyperlink]"

Tips 5 - 8 and complete CBS News article

Amy Levin-Epstein
Amy Levin-Epstein is a freelance writer who has been published in dozens of magazines (including Glamour, Self and Redbook), websites (including, and and newspapers (including The New York Post and the Boston Globe). To read more of her writing, visit Follow her on Twitter at @MWOnTheJob.

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