Friday, March 29, 2013

The top Hashtags for the Job Seeker

by Colston Careers

Social media is a way of life nowadays. A large chunk of a businesses' advertisement budget is dedicated to their social marketing campaigns where they try to build a brand presence and gain a following. Companies hire the staff, outsource SEO, create online advertising campaigns, all to try and conquer social media.

You, as a job seeker, need to do the same as these companies. You need to think of yourself as a business, with a public image and try to create a brand of yourself to present to prospective employers. Spend time on your social profiles to get them up to scratch (and clean them up!)

Twitter and Hash tagging

Twitter is an excellent job seeking tool, if you know how to use it in this sense. If you are new to Twitter, check out the eGuide first for tips.

Hash tagging is the process of putting a hashtag (#) in front of a word or collection of words that has no space in it. It allows the user to allocate a category inside a Tweet that can be used by others to find that Tweet. For example:
colstongroup twitter
Now anyone on Twitter can click on #PHP /#devjobs / #ukjobs / #IT and they will be taken to a list of all the Tweets in the world that contain that specific hashtag. This is very powerful for a job seeker, as you can monitor popular hashtags, or hashtag yourselves with job seeking messages.

The top Hashtags for Job Seekers

I will split the hashtags up into categories, so that there is the general job seeking hashtags that you can use for any job, and then industry specific hashtags that one would use to target specific sectors.
Also check out this article, Top 100+ Job Search Hashtags on Twitter. However bear in mind that it is very US centric and some of the hashtags will be irrelevant for the UK job market.

General Job Hashtags

#job and #jobs

Specific Job Sector Hashtags - more Hashtags and the complete article

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