Thursday, March 18, 2021

A career expert shares 5 questions she wishes more candidates ‘had the guts to ask’ during job interviews

Many people forget that job interviews are a two-way street — and that, when done right, turns into an engaging conversation between the candidate and the interviewer.
As a director at the Kellogg School of Management’s Career Management Center and a former recruiter of 10 years, I’ve found that even the most qualified candidates fail to distinguish themselves by asking hard-hitting — yet thoughtful — questions. (Usually, they only ask generic ones that they can easily find answers to via a quick Google search.)

Below are five questions I wish more candidates had the guts to ask during job interviews. While some of them may seem too intimidating or awkward to ask, doing so will not only impress your interviewer, but it will help you leave the interview feeling more confident and better informed about the position.

1. ‘What are the biggest challenges I’ll face in the first 90 days, and how will success be measured?’

If you’re interviewing for a high-level position, this is a question that you might get asked. But if not, then you need to bring it up.

Ninety days is the typical probationary period when a company determines whether hiring you was the right decision. So it’s good to be prepared and have a strong understanding of what the expectations are and whether your experience and skills indicate you’re right for the role.

Don’t be overwhelmed if the challenges sound daunting, because as a new hire (and particularly early into the position), you won’t necessarily be judged on your knowledge. If you really want the job, you must be willing to learn and do what it takes to get on track and excel.

2. ‘Is there anything about my background that makes you hesitant to move me forward in the interview process?’

Hiring managers love when candidates ask this question because it shows a sense of self-awareness.

The response you get may be hard to digest, but it’s better to know now, during the early stages of the interview, so you have a chance to address the employer’s perceptions and change the narrative.

Let’s say you’re told: “I’m worried you might not be happy in this job because it’s not a client-facing position.” You can course-correct by saying, “I understand your concern. But that’s exactly why I’m pursuing this job. I’ve been in client-facing positions for most of my career, and I’m interested in doing something different.”

See questions 3-5 and the complete CNBC article



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