Friday, June 28, 2013

The 5 Things You MUST Say in a Job Interview

by ComeRecommended

You always hear about what you shouldn’t say in an interview, but what should you say?What are those tid-bits you should mention that will set you apart from the rest?

Here are a few that I found incredibly helpful:

That You Actually Want the Position

This little tidbit could be the one thing that sets you apart from the other candidates. Don’t play it cool and aloof in this situation. If you are eager to be hired for the position, LET THEM KNOW. But remember to always be prepared to tell them why.

Your Familiarity with the Company

Expressing your familiarity with the company you are interviewing with is a great way to SHOW the employer how interested you are and how invested you will be in your job, without actually having to say exactly that.

Good Buzzwords

Whenever you are asked a question about yourself, like what skills do you possess, or do you think you are a team player, make sure to use your buzzwords. Collaborative, innovative, pro-active, drive, cooperate, team ethic, contribute…these are all great words to use. Come up with a few of your own that you feel really describe you, and make sure to use them in an interview.

Things 4,5, and the complete article

Thursday, June 27, 2013

9 Employment Tips for Older Job Seekers


Even before the Great Recession, a rising percent of retirement-age folks were still working. The economy was strong, consumers were spending like crazy and lots of jobs were, in physical terms at least, not taxing for older employees. Today, the percent of people over age 65 who are working or seeking work has reached new highs. But the reasons for the continued trend have changed drastically.

The economy and consumer spending have recovered slowly, and job growth has been anemic. Retirement plans have been deferred, if not destroyed, for millions of Americans. So, it's either back to work, or if you're lucky, keeping a solid job as long as you can. Retirement is still in the cards, perhaps. But for many, it now includes at least part-time work until age 70.

Still, these largely negative factors are driving lots of positive changes that will help older Americans fashion solid work-retirement plans. For the past few years, a foundation-funded initiative called Tapping Mature Talent worked with the U.S. Department of Labor. The effort produced 10 demonstration sites across the country to help develop successful ways to find, train and employ older workers. Even though the project started at the same time as the economic downturn, the sites achieved a 50 percent job placement rate, on average.

During the initiative from 2009 to 2012, people at the locations tried different approaches, and some best practices emerged from these efforts, according to Amy Sherman, an associate vice president at the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning, a Chicago-based nonprofit that provided assistance to the sites. Here are some of the program's most helpful findings:

1. Get credit for what you know. Many older job seekers have rich personal experiences that would make them qualified to succeed at jobs, she says. But often, this knowledge does not translate into the more formal work experiences employers are seeking. Enrolling in a certification program or seeking college credit for such experience can develop the third-party credentials that would lead to a job. CAEL has built a college credit predictor tool that can help translate experience into college-credit equivalents.

2. You are a brand. Aggressive personal promotion has become a standard employment technique. Yet many older people are uncomfortable tooting their own horn, and may not know how to use the social media tools that can be megaphones for job seekers. "It's almost like learning how to be a salesperson for yourself and of branding yourself," Sherman says. "This is really challenging."

3. Career navigators. Today's workplace can be daunting, particularly for someone who's been out of the workforce for only a few years. Specific job skills, particularly involving computers, may need to be relearned. Job-search and interviewing techniques have also been transformed by the Internet, and the explosion of social media sites. Having a "go-to" point person to coordinate job placement services has proven helpful.

4. Offer your services. Unpaid internships can be a great way to get your foot in the door of an industry or employer you like. You get experience, an addition to your résumé and knowledge of how to improve your skills.

Tips 5-9 and the complete USNews article

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

5 Things You Must Do Before Applying For A Job


Never apply for a job without making sure your online presence is as ready to interview as you are. Employers will look at the online version of you before they invite the in-person version to an interview, so make sure what they see helps solidify their impression of you as a candidate. Here are five things you must do before applying for a job:

1. Update Your LinkedIn Profile

If you haven’t revised your LinkedIn profile since your last job, it’s time to make some updates. Rewrite your summary to include your current career objective, and ask colleagues to endorse you and provide recommendations that reflect your job search. Make sure your online resume includes all your newest accomplishments. If you don’t have a professional picture to add to your profile, it’s time to have one taken.

2. Update Your Social Media Profiles

It’s easy to forget to keep your social media profiles updated, especially when you have multiple accounts. Log on to each of your social media services and make sure your profile photo is current and flattering and your profile blurb is accurate. See if you can make your profiles subtly reflect your professional skills without reading like a job application; “I see your copy errors” is a good line for a Facebook profile, while “I have six years of copy editing experience and am looking for work” is too much.
While you’re at it, untag those unflattering or unwanted pics, and delete any posts or tweets that don’t reflect well on you or your candidacy.

3. Google Yourself

You know your potential employer is going to Google you, so go ahead and Google yourself first.
Ideally, your top results are reflections of your work and personality: they should include any articles or print media about your work at previous organizations as well as links to your LinkedIn, Facebook, and other accounts. If you have a professional blog, it should be within the first five links as well and clearly identifiable as your work.

If your Google search turns up negative results, consider a service like Reputation Changer. This service removes negative references and past mistakes on the Internet, leaving your online presence more reflective of your current skills and abilities.

Things 4,5, and the complete Article

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 helpful Twitter job search tips

By Amy Levin-Epstein

In a highly competitive job market like this one, those seeking work will spend time revising their resumes and cover letters and money on new suits and commuting to interviews. But Twitter costs you nothing, and it's only as time consuming as you make it. Here are five smart ways to tweet up a new job.

Become an online 'brand'
Now you don't have to bill yourself as the next Oprah of your industry to get a new job. If you don't have the experience to back it up, such bravado can be off-putting. But everything from the language to the content of your tweets should reflect your interests, knowledge and personality. "Before you are even interviewed, you can demonstrate how much you know," says Kenneth Wisnefski, a social media consultant and CEO Of WebiMax.

Add value
Retweet where appropriate. Join a chat. Respond to leading questions. Twitter is a conversation, and to be effective, you have to join in. "We have hired people who consistently retweeted our tweets and added additional value to topics or discussions we have been engaged in," notes Wisnefski. 

Ask questions
Sometimes, the best way to start a conversation with the company is to ask your own leading questions. If it's a smaller company, this may be especially effective. Your query may be a smart, open-ended question about your industry or a more direct request for an informational interview. You'll have to use your best judgment here, taking into consideration the industry and company. For some specific Twitter templates, read this. 

Tips 4,5, and the complete MoneyWatch article

Monday, June 24, 2013

Top 6 Tips To Kick Start Your Career


I recently had the chance to sit in on an Early Talent Career Development Panel during SAP’s People & Diversity Week, which is a week-long offering of events and workshops focused on career development, health and diversity celebration.

Not only was the session a huge success, with over 80 in-person and virtual employees attending, but more importantly the speakers were all very passionate about supporting employees with their career development and offered lots of valuable and insightful advice. I was so fortunate to be able to attend and listen in on their career stories and tips.

While the session was promoted as an early talent event, the career advice and best practices shared throughout were extremely useful for seasoned employees as well. Here are the top 6 tips I took away from the session!

Tip #1: Be Ready
Always be ready to take on that next opportunity. Have courage and don’t be afraid to fail because you never know where it will take you.

Tip #2: Build Your Brand
Create yourself as an expert in whatever you do. Make it visible to the right people through your work and networking. Know who you are and what you do, your dreams and aspirations, and connect with people who can help you or work with you to get to where you want to be.

Tip #4: Know Your Passions
Think back to your past projects, what did you love the most and what were the things you know you never want to work on again? Reflect on your work and look for trends about your skill sets, preferred work environment, etc., to guide your career direction and development.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hiring manager offers tips to ace job interview

Dana Manciagli has seen it all. In her more than 30 years as a hiring manager for multinational companies, including Microsoft, IBM, Kodak and Avery Dennison, Manciagli has interviewed, hired and coached thousands of people globally.

Her new book, "Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Guide for a New Era," is packed with new ideas and tactics all given from the perspective of a seasoned insider who knows exactly what it takes to get hired.

Here are Manciagli's tips job seekers need to know.

Mistake: Arriving late to the interview. The hiring manager thinks you have time-management issues.
Solution: Always arrive and be in the lobby 30 minutes early.

Mistake: Dressing too informally or inappropriately. The hiring manager thinks this interview is not that important to you.
Solution: Have one interview outfit and use it.

Mistake: Babbling on and on. The hiring manager thinks you're unprepared and not self-aware.
Solution: Slow down and breathe. When asked a question, pause, take a deep breath and respond thoughtfully.

Mistake: Answering the wrong question. The hiring manager thinks you're not listening.
Solution: Really listen and be present in an interview. Don't just blurt out all the things you want to talk about.

More Tips and the complete SF Examiner article

Thursday, June 20, 2013

6 Things Hiring Managers Think But Don't Say


A job interview can be nerve-racking. Hiring managers, after all, are known for their poker faces; you can never really know what one is thinking about you, sweaty palms and all. Or can you? Here are six things that an human resources manager might be thinking, and how you can present your best self in an interview.

1. Will she always be late like this? Even if you're normally punctual, showing up late to an interview can cause the hiring manager to wonder if this is a regular occurrence. She may reason that if you were serious about this job you would have taken measures to circumvent the traffic/getting lost/not knowing what to wear excuse you used upon coming in the door.

What to do: Give yourself twice as long as you think you need to get ready and drive to your interview. It's better to be early than late and have her questioning your level of commitment. If you arrive early, stay in the car and practice your interview answers.

2. Is this how he'll dress at work? Come to an interview in less than professional dress, and you might get a raised eyebrow from the person interviewing you. They say "dress for the job you want," so if you come in wearing flip-flops or a mini-skirt, the hiring manager might assume you're not professional enough for the job.

What to do: Even if you wear more casual clothing for the position you're interviewing for, it's better to dress up than to dress down.

3. Did he lie on his résumé? If you stumble when asked questions you should be able to answer, the employer may think you fibbed on your résumé. You might chalk it up to nervousness, but she may not see it that way. That's why practicing how you'll respond to certain questions, like those about your past work duties and accomplishments, can help you speak confidently in an interview.

What to do: Always, always be completely honest on your résumé, and prepare to back up and elaborate on anything an employer might have questions about.

Thing 4-6 and the complete USNews article

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 Mistakes Job Interviewers Secretly Hate

Picture this: You’re a job candidate up for a role in a coveted organization. You’ve got the experience and referrals, and you’ve even managed to land an interview. So, come interview time, you’re pretty confident about your chances. Weeks later, you still haven't heard from the interviewer or the company. What gives?

Despite your interview skills or level of experience, many candidates find themselves in a job search black hole. Although it’s easy to blame interviewers — after all, they may receive more than 100 applications per opening — you may be inadvertently raising some red flags.

When this happens, it’s time to take action. To help, we've compiled a list of everything interviewers want to say to unprepared interviewees — and how to prevent them from thinking that about you.

1. “Why didn’t you come prepared?”

From failing to research the company to not being able to tell your interview story, inadequately preparing for a job interview is one of of the biggest mistakes possible. For instance, not being able to relay industry information or not referring to a recent organizational change may show the interviewer you’re not serious about the job — or that you weren't interested enough to do your homework.

Before the interview, research like crazy. Find out what’s new with the company, the interviewer and your industry. In addition, tailor your answers to your findings. For instance, if the company recently added a new department, say something like, “I saw that you added a new department, which shows your commitment to growth and sustainability — both of which I admire in a company.”

2. "I’ve heard this response a million times."

Some responses are generic for a reason; they've been used over and over to the point where an interviewer may be numb to them. For example, stating you’re a great candidate because of your stellar work ethic isn't new or unique. Your interviewer wants to be wowed — so responding with a run-of-the-mill quality like good work ethic may not bode well for you.

Show how your work led to accomplishments. If you created an advertisement that increased page views by 15%, make sure to say so. Results signify you achieve success, which is what most employers seek.

3. “These responses don’t reflect who you are online.”

Employers are looking for you online. In fact, 65% of employers check out your online presence to see if you present yourself professionally. Although posting those party photos or bashing your old employer may have seemed like a fun idea at the time, your interviewer may think otherwise. Who you are online may eventually represent your future employer — and if the lines don’t align, the interviewer may question your authenticity.

Clean up your online presence early. This means taking down any inappropriate content and enabling privacy settings. Next, start posting professional updates, such as industry news or your opinion on the company’s latest thread. This shows that your online and offline stories match.

Mistakes 4,5 and the complete Mashable article

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6 Ways Job Seekers Walk an Interview Tight Rope


One of the most challenging and frustrating aspects of a job search is that there is no one "right way" to handle any aspect of the process. The interview is no exception; every employer has an idea about what constitutes a good answer to a key question. Candidates can follow otherwise good advice that backfires because their desired employers have different expectations from the norm.

What's a job seeker to do? Prepare to balance important, desirable traits with the types of replies employers are likely to want to hear. Tim Elmore, founder and president of a nonprofit firm focused on youth leadership development called Growing Leaders (, offers this advice. It's particularly geared to young job seekers to help them succeed at an interview:

1. Balance confidence with teachability. Elmore notes: "Research from a variety of employment sources reveal that the majority of young employees believe their boss can learn a lot from them."
Elmore also acknowledges that while it may be true that more experienced interviewers do have a lot to learn from young employees, an interviewee who appears arrogant may repel a baby boomer. He suggests communicating your strong value, but without leaving the employer with the feeling you believe you know everything.

2. Balance warmth with formality. It's easy to get very comfortable, especially when interviewing in informal workplaces, where most of the interviewers are casually dressed and invite you to open up and share your true personality. "Often, recent college grads become far too informal, joking about personal elements in their lives or about the interviewer themselves. This is risky," Elmore notes.

Many human resources professionals suggest young candidates don't take interviews seriously enough, and that this is the No. 1 problem with hiring young employees. Some candidates even text or take a phone call during the interview. Elmore suggests candidates make an effort to be warm and friendly, but maintain a professional distance that is appropriate for a first meeting.

3. Balance creativity with cooperation. Elmore explains: "Today, 83 percent of new graduates are looking for a place where their creativity is valued. Two out of three want to invent their own position at work." Keep in mind, this is a terrific aspiration, but your new employer may expect you to first function within the company's existing structure. Elmore says, "Let the interviewer know you have creative ideas, but leave the impression that you're prepared to get on board with the organization's plans."

Tips 4-6 and the complete USNews article

Monday, June 17, 2013

4 Ways You’re Talking Yourself Out of a Job During Your Interview

by The Social HR Connection

There are plenty of articles, books, infographics, and videos which discuss the best interview tips for job seekers.

But what about teaching candidates how NOT to talk themselves out of an opportunity during an interview?

Although I’m in a recruiting role now, I have also dealt with the ups and downs of being a job seeker. As I perfect my recruiting skills and collaborate with other recruiters, I’ve learned some of the mistakes I’ve made when I was searching for a job. I realized that sometimes saying too much could actually work against a candidate and extra information could cause a recruiter to think the following:

You’re All Over the Place

I completely understand when a candidate wants to talk about all of their experiences in detail because it shows some additional skills and initiative that they believe will add value. Sometimes this is true, but if you present it wrong or over-elaborate these experiences, you may obscure the core point that you were trying to make.

The purpose of the interview is to show the recruiter that you are perfect for that specific position. If you clutter it up with other details, it might cause some confusion.

You’re Not as Skilled As They Initially Thought

Your resume might say you have five years of experience in a specific position, but if you go off on a tangent about all the other duties you preformed while in that role, the recruiter might believe that your job didn’t focus solely on the function they’re looking for.

You may have gained those skills through additional side projects. If this is the case, make sure you present it in a way so recruiters know that it was something extra that you did and that your previous job fully-involved all of the duties that the recruiter is targeting.

Tips 3,4, and the complete article

Friday, June 14, 2013

Great Interviews Are a Dialogue!


Too many job interviews become one-way grill sessions. The potential employer asks a question and the candidate answers. Next question… next answer… and so it goes. Perhaps near the end of the interview, the employer asks if the candidate has any questions, then the process reverses for a few short minutes.

Then one candidate out of the many asks some questions as part of their reply to the question posed to them… and the whole dynamic changes! All of a sudden, the interview becomes a dialogue!
It’s more of a conversation between professionals to mutually come to a conclusion on a business decision.

That candidate stands out from the others, and has better information to make their own decision about whether the job is the right one for them.
Job seekers often don’t think it’s appropriate to ask questions during the middle of an interview. It can, however, be a great differentiator between them and most other applicants.
So what does it look like?  Here are some examples and recommendations…

  • Always ask questions appropriate to the topic being discussed. Don’t awkwardly ask a question that diverts the conversation in another direction if the interviewer hasn’t changed topic themselves.
  • As an example… if the interviewer asks: “Can you give me an example of how you work with teams?” You might reply: “I’ve had a lot of experience on project teams, one example of how I helped a team successfully meet our objectives was… (fill in the story). Can you tell me more about the team I would be working with here?”

    More Tips and the complete Career Rocketeer article

Thursday, June 13, 2013

500 Positive Resume Action Verbs That Get Job Interviews

Positive action verbs make your resume achievements sound even more impressive. Use this long list of action verbs to make your resume sizzle.

All the resume action verbs you’ll ever need

In alphabetical order:
  1. Accelerated
  2. Accomplished
  3. Accounted for
  4. Accumulated
  5. Achieved
  6. Acquired
  7. Acted
  8. Activated
  9. Active in
  10. Adapted
  11. Addressed
  12. Adjusted
  13. Administered
  14. Advanced
  15. Advertised
  16. Advised
  17. Advocated
  18. Affected
  19. Aided
  20. Alerted
  21. Allocated
  22. Amplified
  23. Analyzed
  24. Answered
  25. Anticipated
  26. Applied
  27. Appointed
  28. Appraised
  29. Approved
  30. Arbitrated
  31. Arranged
  32. Arraigned
  33. Arrested
  34. Articulated
  35. Ascertained
  36. Aspired
  37. Assembled
  38. Assessed
  39. Assigned
  40. Assisted
  41. Assumed responsibility
  42. Assured
  43. Attained
  44. Attracted
  45. Audited
  46. Authored
  47. Automated
  48. Awarded
  49. Balanced
  50. Billed

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To Get A Job Fast, Learn How Companies Recruit

A successful job search requires more than trolling popular job boards and occasionally hitting the “send resume” button when the spirit moves you. As any good strategist will tell you, tactics are determined from a sound understanding of your opponents psychology and tactics. The same goes for job search, a smart plan of attack demands that you understand how companies go about recruitment and then invest your time accordingly. This is especially true for the 2012/2013 grads who are facing enormous competition for available opportunities.

Companies design their staffing needs up to twelve months in advance, so the interviews you go on this year were mostly planned and budgeted toward the end of last year.

Hiring budgets usually open at the start of the new calendar year with hires staggered throughout the year. 

How recruitment works
Sean Koppelman, president of, understands recruitment cycles as well as anyone, and warns of the necessity of a competitive resume : “During the high-tide graduation months in May and December, in-boxes are flooded with new grad resumes. If yours is less clear or concise than your competition, you are ruining your chances.”

The costs of hiring and training a new employee runs into thousands and often tens of thousands of dollars, so the entire recruitment process is cost/productivity conscious.

Consequently, the hiring manager and the assigned recruitment professionals—all want the same thing: good hires, fast hires, and hires made as cheaply as possible. Understanding how and why things are done, and in what sequence they are done, will help you focus your efforts on the most effective job-finding techniques. 

Put yourself on the other side of the desk for a few moments. Naturally, you would start the recruitment process by asking yourself, your colleagues and your staff who within the company can do this job; you want to hire from within, because it’s cheap, you are dealing with known quantities, and internal promotions are motivational. Many jobs are filled this way, and this can give you a head start on the competition whenever you hear about internal promotions and transfers, because a promotion also speaks of another opening created by that promotion/transfer, and often that position can be at a lower professional level. 

Of course it's who you know stupid
When a hiring manager can’t make an internal hire, she will logically ask, “Who do we know, and who do our people know?” This goes beyond the casual inquiry. The recruitment team will review all the resumes in the company’s database and any promising candidates who have been interviewed in the past for similar positions. The manager will also create an internal job posting (often tied to cash incentives for employee referrals) and will actively consider people known to the recruitment team through their involvement in the professional community. This will include professional and alumni associations and related activities.

If you’re a recent grad, this is where internships and campus activities really pay off. Internships give you real work experience, references, and exposure to working professionals for your network. Likewise, being active in campus societies makes you visible to campus recruiters, who claim they make their best entry-level professional hires from these societies way before the arrival of career days on campus.

These approaches account for fully a third of all hires that are made externally. This means you have to ask yourself three questions:   Read the three questions, more tips, and the complete article

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Twitter Hashtags Can Help You Find A Position


Everyone probably remembers the first time they heard about Twitter and about how young people were throwing around their one-liners about sitting on the porch, walking to the mailbox, walking back to the porch, sitting down… Well, you get the picture. But since that time, Twitter has evolved into an amazing resource for companies seeking customers—and even job seekers looking for work.

One reason seekers have had success landing jobs through Twitter is because of the use of hashtags, which function as mini search tools. They help others find you and your comments based on your use of the number sign (#) followed by specific words (e.g. #lookingforwork). Let’s take a closer look at how they could help you find a position.

Hashtags Help You Network Successfully

Hashtags have worked wonders for job seekers attempting to reach out to networks of people in hopes of acquiring help in finding work. This is because networking has become its own beast on Twitter, and hashtags have functioned as its catalyst.

For instance, if you use the hashtag #finance, and then note that you’re looking to network with others who are seeking work in the field, you’re likely to connect with others who have utilized or searched the same hashtag with the same interest.

Twitter is a community created to communicate and connect with others, so take this opportunity to meet new associates with similar interests.

Hashtags Help Recruiters And Hiring Managers Find You

Another great use of Twitter hashtags is sending out the message that you’re looking for work. This has been accomplished with great success under the #hirefriday hashtag, which is utilized on Friday to help both recruiters and hiring managers find job candidates who are actively seeking employment.
There are other hashtags out there to help recruiters and hiring managers find seekers if the seekers incorporate them into their tweets. They include #dreamjob, #hireme, #internship, #laidoff and #jobsearch.

More tips and the complete Careerealism article

Monday, June 10, 2013

The 1 Thing You Must Do In Every Job Interview

I recently interviewed an excellent candidate for a position at our growing startup, Likeable Local. The woman had an incredible resume, an infectious personality, and, seemingly, a good work ethic. She was dressed for success, with a style fitting our culture. She answered my questions well, and seemed like a potential fit for our company. Yet, despite all of this, she didn’t receive another interview, and we chose to not hire her. What went wrong?

When I asked her what questions she had for me, twice, the job candidate replied, “None, really. I’ve been following you guys online for awhile and feel like I know everything already.”

That was a fatal error, of course. By not asking questions, she told me she wasn’t truly interested in learning more, in creating value, and in our company. She wasn't interested enough in learning more to find out if we were a fit for her. Confidence is great, but nobody can "know everything already." There are certainly things I don 't know about our company and its future - and I'm the CEO.

I didn't hire an otherwise well-qualified candidate because, in her lack of questions, she displayed a lack of passion for, interest in, and curiosity about our company, the position, and the fit.

The most important thing you must do in every interview is to ask great questions.

The key is to ask great questions- not to ask questions that you should know the answers to already (“What does the position entail?) or questions that make it all about you (“What is your vacation policy?”)

Don't ask questions to check a box. Ask questions out of authentic, genuine curiosity.

Here are 9 questions you can use or make your own on your next job interview. Of course, don't ask all nine, but choose a couple and tailor them based on your unique circumstances:
1) Who would make the ideal candidate for this position?
2) How will the work I’ll be doing contribute to the organization’s mission?
3) What were the best things about the last person who held this position?

4) What are three ways I can contribute to the company beyond the job description?

Questions 5- 9 and the complete article

Dave Kerpen loves interviewing great candidates for his companies. Dave is the founder and CEO of Likeable Local. He is also the cofounder and Chairman of Likeable Media, and the New York Times bestselling author of Likeable Social Media and Likeable Business.To read more from Dave on LinkedIn, please click the FOLLOW button above or below.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

8 Ways to Get Yourself Eliminated from Candidate Consideration QUICKLY

I just don't get it?!!  Why didn't I get called back?  I thought I interviewed great!  What do you mean "We decided to go another direction"?

Have you ever heard these words or thought these thoughts?  If you haven't, you are one of the few.  Interviewing for a job is tough.  It is frustrating.  It can be a long process.  You develop a rapport with your recruiter.  When you get the call, or even worse the "no call", it is hard not to get down.

So the question is "How can YOU avoid these things?". Truth is, sometimes you can't.  Sometimes there is already a candidate in mind before you even submit your resume.  That being said, there are some things you can do to HELP YOURSELF from being eliminated and at least getting to the second round of interviews.

Getting an interview, is half the battle.  The other half, is getting to the second round of interviews and progress through the process.  Don't shoot yourself in the foot.  Here are 8 things that WILL get you eliminated from consideration.

1)  Not Doing Research on the Company and the Role  We have all done it.  Let me say as a recruiter, though, it is extremely frustrating when you haven't done your homework.  Look up the company on the internet.  Get a good understand what they do.  Know the key executives.  Know the financials.  Be able to articulate how you could help. 

2)  Not Acting Enthused About The Role  Have your morning cup of coffee and your notepad.  Take notes & listen.  Genuinely be interested in what role the person is talking to you about.  Remember they are taking time out of their day to talk to YOU.  Give them a level of respect!

3)  Coming Across Abrasive or Overconfident  Recruiters truly don't care how great awesome you are. We are looking for culture fit.  We are looking at a lot of intangibles.   If you come across abrasive and the know it all, it is a huge turnoff!  It is okay to show what you know, but don't do it in a way that comes across as someone that would have difficulty working with others.  Be humble. 

4)  Not Being Able to Do the Skills on Your Resume  There are now Sourcers in recruiting for this exact reason.  Don't say you can program and code Java on your resume if you can't! Don't say you have been in outside sales for 15 years when you have gone on 3 meetings with an outside sales person and you are an TRULY an inside sales person.  

Reasons 5-8 and the complete RecruitingBlogs Post

Thursday, June 6, 2013

7 Stand-Out Tricks That Will Help You Land an Interview


What do you do when 30 other candidates are competing with you for the same job—and many of them are more qualified than you are?

You need to do something to stand out. You need to have something unique, something that makes you what Seth Godin calls “The Purple Cow.”

Here are seven of the easiest and most effective strategies to do that.

Before you start, note that not one of these, in isolation, will do the trick. The secret is to implement as many of them as possible, because not only are they synergistic, but the more of these steps you take, the less likely other candidates will be to have done the same.

1. Get introduced

This is absolutely the best way to stand out in a sea of strangers. Being introduced to a hiring manager by a friend of his is like a having a red carpet rolled out for you.

How can you get introduced? Reverse engineer the hiring manager’s connections on LinkedIn to see how the two of you are connected, and then network your way into his circles. You’ll be surprised how closely related the two of you are, especially if you’ve been in the industry for a couple of years.

2. Conduct deep research

Yes, you always need to prepare before an interview. But you also need to go a step further than other candidates would.

You can do this by asking a few people from the company out to coffee for an informational interview. Tell them you’re interested in working for the company and would like to know more about its culture (or anything else). Most will be happy to do it, at which time you can talk about where the company is going, what are its most pressing problems, etc.

Pro tip: Name-drop the person you talked to in your actual interview to gain extra points.

3. Invest in awesome resume design

After you get your “in,” remember to make your resume look professional. You need to go further than the Word document most people use.

If you have no design experience, hire a professional to do it for you. A decent one will cost you just $50. In my experience, there’s a diminishing return in resume design: a $500 top-of-the-line designer will only get you marginally better results than his competent competitor who charges $50.
Some people create infographics for their resume, though that might not be the right option for everyone.

4. Keep your resume concise

Less is more in your resume. If you’re applying to be a teacher, don’t include your experience waiting tables. And there’s no need to mention the spelling bee award you won, either.

Read every word, and ask yourself: can I still sell myself if I leave this out? The goal is to have a resume no longer than one page. You have no idea how appreciative hiring managers are when applicants get to the point.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Landing Your Dream Job: Part 2 – The Phone Interview

Picture this: you’ve successfully navigated the career fair, researching employers, dressing as a professional, and conveying confidence (see Part 1 – The Career Fair).  You even got contact information for follow up and have since made that connection.  After all your efforts, you receive an email or phone call requesting time for a phone interview.  Congratulations!

The phone interview can be something that isn’t given the preparation it deserves.  After all, it’s just a phone call, right?  You talk, text, instant message, tweet, and Facebook all day long with friends.  How hard could it be?

Here are some tips from experiences I and other HR professionals have had around this topic:

Before the Call
Free Yourself from DistractionFind a quiet place away from outside noise such as dogs barking, traffic, television/radio, etc.  Nothing is worse than trying to interview a candidate while a car alarm is going off in the background or while what sounds like a frat party is happening in your house.

Landline vs. Cell Phone – If you have a landline, provide that number.  If you must use your cell phone, make sure that you’re in a good area for reception.  Also be sure that your outgoing message on your voicemail is professional.  “Hey guys, this is Susie.  I’m not here, leave a message” isn’t appropriate.  It is suggested to use something to the effect of this: “You have reached the voicemail of Sue Smith.  I’m not available to take your call at the moment, but if you’ll leave your name, number and brief message, I’ll return your call as soon as possible.  Thanks and have a great day!”

During and After the Call
Dress and Sound the Part – Would it be easier to sound the part if you dressed for it (think pajamas vs. suit)?  Opinions vary on this, but many feel that they would have a more professional tone just by wearing what they would during a face to face interview. 

Bonus tip: smile when you answer the phone – you’ll come across as happy, energetic and will set the tone for the entire interview. Watch your “um’s”, “uh’s”, “you-know’s”, and “like’s”. 

Answer and Ask Questions – Answer each question asked.  Don’t make up something just to sound smart – they’ll know when you’re doing this.  Also, don’t forget to have questions of your own to ask when the time comes.  Know some sample interview questions for both the interviewer and interviewee.  Practice the interview with a friend or family member before the phone call.

More tips and the complete article

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

3 selling techniques you must use in your job search

It’s a new world out there! The job market is much more competitive, hiring managers can’t afford to take risks by hiring the wrong person, and candidates must be the best every step of the way through the job-search process.

Now, for those of you with sales experience (whether looking for a role in inside or outside sales), this should be pretty natural for you, right? Wrong!

It’s shocking how few salespeople apply the tools of their trade to their job-search process. Pipeline? Non-existent. Selling yourself as a product? Not. Going for the close? Oops, forgot.

Regardless of whether you are in sales, here are three selling basics for all of you in the job market today:

1. Pipeline management

Picture a big funnel. Your job possibilities (leads) start at the top and then work down into real opportunities, interviews, job offers and employment!
My father used a different analogy when I was a child: you put a mixed bag of change in the top and the machine sorted them into the quarters, nickels, dimes, and penny slots for counting. The core concept of a pipeline is that you need a lot of job opportunities funneling through at the same time.

Most job seekers I have helped during my 30 years working have one job they want and say “I want to see this one through before I start on another.” Cut the Crap, Get a Job!

You must play the odds game and have multiple opportunities in your pipeline at the same time if you want to see results in a timely fashion. Learn now how to “parallel process” multiple opportunities rather than rely on old-fashioned linear processing.

2. You are the product
The interviewer, network contact, hiring manager or Human Resources (HR) department is the buyer. This is not about you. It’s about selling your skills and experiences to the buyer in a very relevant way to them.

They have the need and you need to work much harder to position yourself -- the product -- as the best product for their need. Imagine a grocery aisle full of laundry detergent; you never see. “I’m made of better chemicals” or “I am manufactured in a plant in Kentucky.” No, each box is speaking to you, the buyer, with solutions for your needs: whiter whites, cleaner clothes, etc.

Technique #3 and the complete article

Monday, June 3, 2013

8 Apps Every Jobseeker Needs

by Josh Weiss-Roessler

Searching for jobs is stressful. You’re constantly putting yourself out there and facing potential rejection (or worse, silence), racing to make sure you reply to posts fast enough, and looking under every metaphorical rock you come upon hoping to discover that perfect position.

Luckily, the digital age has brought with it some bonuses for jobseekers that make the search just a little bit easier on you: job hunting apps. These pieces of software run the gamut, helping you to find what you’re looking for, stay organized, expand your network, access information and documents you need, and make sure you’re prepared when the time comes.

Here are some of the best apps out there to make your job hunt just a tiny bit more blissful.

LunchMeet: When all you do all day is sift through job postings and send out your resume, life can get pretty lonely. Not to mention the fact that it can be difficult to land a position if you don’t have some kind of contact or “in” at the company. That’s where LunchMeet comes in.

After you connect it to your LinkedIn account it looks for contacts in your industry who have said they are open to networking so that you can try to set up a lunch or grab coffee to talk about career opportunities. You can even specify a time and place and then have the program look for people willing to meet up nearby using geo-targeting.

LinkUp: At first glance, this free app for iPhone, iPad and Android just seems like yet another program that lets you search for jobs while you’re out and about. The difference, however, is that unlike other apps, it doesn’t just search a job board with postings that have been directly submitted. Instead, it looks for jobs on more than 22,000 individual company sites, sifting for the category you choose.

Jibber Jobber: Job searches can quickly become confusing, especially if you’re the type of person that likes to apply to lots of places in the hopes that something will pan out somewhere. Jibber Jobber is a great way to stay organized so you don’t mistake one company or contact for another and embarrass yourself with a costly mistake.

Interview Pro: But before you record those SparkHire videos, you may want to practice with Interview Pro. With more than 80 typical job interview questions, you’ll be well-prepared for whatever might come your way. Even better, the program also offers explanations for the questions as well as suggested answers.

Apps 5-8 and the complete CareerBliss article