Friday, March 29, 2013

The top Hashtags for the Job Seeker

by Colston Careers

Social media is a way of life nowadays. A large chunk of a businesses' advertisement budget is dedicated to their social marketing campaigns where they try to build a brand presence and gain a following. Companies hire the staff, outsource SEO, create online advertising campaigns, all to try and conquer social media.

You, as a job seeker, need to do the same as these companies. You need to think of yourself as a business, with a public image and try to create a brand of yourself to present to prospective employers. Spend time on your social profiles to get them up to scratch (and clean them up!)

Twitter and Hash tagging

Twitter is an excellent job seeking tool, if you know how to use it in this sense. If you are new to Twitter, check out the eGuide first for tips.

Hash tagging is the process of putting a hashtag (#) in front of a word or collection of words that has no space in it. It allows the user to allocate a category inside a Tweet that can be used by others to find that Tweet. For example:
colstongroup twitter
Now anyone on Twitter can click on #PHP /#devjobs / #ukjobs / #IT and they will be taken to a list of all the Tweets in the world that contain that specific hashtag. This is very powerful for a job seeker, as you can monitor popular hashtags, or hashtag yourselves with job seeking messages.

The top Hashtags for Job Seekers

I will split the hashtags up into categories, so that there is the general job seeking hashtags that you can use for any job, and then industry specific hashtags that one would use to target specific sectors.
Also check out this article, Top 100+ Job Search Hashtags on Twitter. However bear in mind that it is very US centric and some of the hashtags will be irrelevant for the UK job market.

General Job Hashtags

#job and #jobs

Specific Job Sector Hashtags - more Hashtags and the complete article

Thursday, March 28, 2013

444 Most Popular Job Interviewer Questions To Prepare Yourself With

These sample job interview questions have all been asked many times, and will be again.

Some of these questions are what you’d expect.

Some of these questions frankly don’t make much sense.

And some of these questions are shocking and possibly offensive.

But if any of these are going to be asked, you need to be ready.

The Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions

Questions 1-80 are about personal background.
Questions 81-177 relate to work experience.
Questions 178-234 cover your education or academic background.
The rest are about your personality, motivations and thoughts on work.
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What major challenges and problems did you face?
  3. How would someone who dislikes you describe you?
  4. What was your biggest failure?
  5. What is your definition of failure?
  6. What are your regrets?
  7. What is your greatest weakness?
  8. When was the last time you were angry? What happened?
  9. If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?
  10. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
  11. What are your goals?
  12. What is your dream job?
  13. What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?
  14. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
  15. Are you a leader or a follower?
  16. What are some of your leadership experiences?
  17. Why aren’t you earning more money at this stage of your career?
  18. Who has inspired you in your life and why?
  19. What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
  20. What is your personal mission statement? OR Give a one sentence statement of yourself.
  21. What is your greatest achievement outside of work?
  22. Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldn’t want me to know.
  23. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
  24. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why?
  25. What are your hobbies?
  26. What sports do you play?
  27. What kind of games do you like to play?
  28. What do you do in leisure/spare time?
  29. What do you do to deal with stress?
  30. What do you do to help balance life and work?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

8 Ways to Fast-Track Your Application to the Top of a Recruiter’s Pile


Applying for jobs is a challenging task, one made all the more difficult when you know your recruiter has dozens of other applicants to consider.

Instead of getting lost in the crowd, here are some things you can do to fast-track your resume to the front of a long queue:

Contact them first

Some recruiters and HR professionals appreciate you calling or emailing them before you submit your application. That way, they will be on the lookout for your application or, at the very least, your name will ring a bell when they see it. Be strategic with your timing, though; don’t call them at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday when they will be busy.

Follow up

You might not be able to get hold of them on the first attempt, or they might not respond to your first email. But it’s okay to follow up on your messages as long as you don’t do it too often. Waiting at least a week is usually recommended, but it depends on who you’re working with. Don’t think of following up as bothering the recruiter; think of it as showing how much of a go-getter you are.

Get the recruiter’s name right

Your ultimate aim here is to make a good impression, which won’t happen if you get their name wrong. Even if you’re looking at several different opportunities, make sure you know who you’re contacting each time and address that person appropriately.

Tailor your resume

Not tailoring your resume is usually a game-killer. If your resume isn’t tailored for a specific position, it looks like you didn’t care enough to put the time in. Make your resume relevant for the job you want and know the extra effort will benefit you later.

Tips 5-8 and Complete Brazen Careerist Article

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Seven Tips for Using Facebook in Your Job Search

By Helene Cavalli
Lee Hecht Harrison research on hiring trends reveals that recruiters and hiring managers have found the effectiveness of social media in sourcing qualified candidates has increased 51% over the past two to three years, and they expect effectiveness to jump another 68% over the next two to three years.

While LinkedIn is still the overwhelming favorite of HR managers and recruiters, Facebook is increasing in importance as an effective recruiting tool. Our research indicates that currently 16% of recruiters and 14% of HR managers are regularly using Facebook to source both passive and active job candidates – and it’s increasing.  If you’re limiting your Facebook activity to friends and family, you might want to consider expanding activity to include professional connections – and possibly uncovering job opportunities.
Here’s how to maximize your search success on Facebook:
  1. Target your targets. Follow your target companies to uncover job openings and stay current on new company products, services, initiatives and acquisitions.
  2. Follow the leaders. Follow pages from career-related organizations (such as LHH on Facebook) to have real-time access to employment trends and information.
  3. Work smart. Follow search- and career-related sites such as Monster’s BeKnown and Glassdoor (voted the Best Employment Site of 2012).
  4. Connect. Use the Facebook search feature to connect with people in your field or to join groups with a common interest.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Job Interview Questions - The 5 Things Candidates Must Address

by Tony Restell

Preparing for the job interview questions you might face has to be one of the more stressful aspects of changing jobs. Here we share insights you can put to work in your interview preparation right away.

What does your job interviewer want to uncover about you?

The starting point for success in responding to job interview questions is to understand why those questions are being asked. So what reassurances is your interviewer looking for during your interview?

- Can you do the job?
- Are you someone who'd fit in and be a good addition to the team?
- What risks are being taken by employing you?
- Will you take the job?
- What would be your motivations for taking the job?

Can you do the job?

Sounds obvious right? Yet unless you are moving between two competitors to perform the exact same role, your ability to do the job needs to be established. Your challenge in preparing to face job interview questions on this topic is to understand the job as thoroughly as you can.

Firstly this means revisiting the job advert and picking through the key requirements specified. Try to play detective and figure out why those criteria are important. What can you infer by reading between the lines? What contacts do you have who may be able to shed additional light on the role and the company? Have you researched the LinkedIn profiles of people in similar positions at the company, their descriptions of what they do - and their recommendations - may prove very telling. Who can you find who has recently left the company and who you could reach out to for insights?

What you're most interested in identifying are i) the factors that are of greater or less importance than at your existing company (so that you know which strengths to play to in the interview) and ii) the differences that exist between you performing strongly in your current role and in this potential new role.

Examples would be there being greater political infighting to deal with; poor morale to contend with; different systems than you're used to working with; different sales challenges to overcome; organisational challenges or deficiencies in capabilities that you'll need to learn to work through.

In all respects that the role is similar to the one you already hold, your answers should pretty much take care of themselves. It's the aspects that differ from what you've shown you can do that need to be bridged.

Are you someone who'd fit in and be a good addition to the team?

One key function of job interview questions - and the hiring process more generally - is to establish that there would be a good personality fit between you and the company. This takes two forms. Firstly companies have characters and an ethos that your earlier research may well have uncovered. It may be a very goal-focused business; innovative; focused on work-life balance... Whatever it is, you being a fit rather than a clash with that culture is a key hiring consideration.

Secondly - and no less important - you will be slotting into a team somewhere within the company. That team will have its own personality and traits that are a function of the existing team members. How you are likely to blend with them is another key consideration.

The topics so far are best addressed by doing your research before the job interview; and by asking as many questions as you can during the interview to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. As far as possible, you want to know the answer the interviewer would like to hear before you answer any question or show your hand.

What risks are being taken by employing you?

Everyone involved in the hiring decision is taking a risk with their careers by rubber-stamping you as the best person to hire. The candidate who looks best for the role may not always be the least risky hire. The most talented candidate may be likely to become dissatisfied in the role (and leave for greener pastures). They are more likely to be in the running for other openings and drop out of the recruiter's interview process altogether. This explains why those willing to take a demotion and paycut to get back into work are often left frustrated. They're considered overqualified precisely because they could become dissatisfied or receive a better offer once hired.

Similarly, those with inconsistencies in their application or unexplained developments in their careers can generate anxiety that undoes an otherwise strong performance. That's why you need to think carefully about your shortcomings and how best to handle any anxieties these may cause. It's better that you address these concerns directly than leave your interviewers to stew on them behind closed doors. And related to this point you also need to address...

Questions 3,4, and Complete Article

Friday, March 22, 2013

5 Tales from Awesomely Awkward Job Interviews

by Beth Braccio Hering

Blanking on the recruiter’s name or forgetting to bring copies of your résumé may not endear you to a prospective employer.

However, you can take heart in the fact that your error wasn’t so horrible it will be remembered (and shared) for years to come.

Not all interviewees are so lucky.

Here are five job interview tales of awesomely awkward moments as told by the employers who were there:

1.  Let me Finish this Game

While most candidates are ready to move mountains to please an interviewer, some are not so willing to accommodate. Ann M. Larson, managing partner for The Interview Experience, flew from New York to Los Angeles to conduct an interview, only to have the applicant ask her to stand there and wait in the hotel lobby so that she could finish the game of solitaire she was playing since it looked like she was going to win.

“I politely told her that I had a very busy agenda and that I didn’t really have the time to watch her play a card game,” Larson says. “The interview was short and awkward. I remember flying home thinking, ‘Thanks for taking a day of my life that I’ll never get back.’”

2.  Never Let Them See You (or Your Hair) Sweat

Executive recruiter and career counselor Bruce Hurwitz was delighted to find an applicant that seemed perfect for one of his clients. The fact that the man was bald wasn’t an issue, until he showed up for the interview having used “hair-in-a-can” to paint his head black.

“It was a warm day,” Hurwitz remembers. “As the interview progressed, he started to perspire. The paint started to run down his forehead — not a lot, maybe a quarter of an inch. I did not laugh even though I thought I was going to do myself personal injury by keeping it in!”
At interview’s end, Hurwitz told the man he wanted to submit him to the client but couldn’t because of his “hair.”

The man smiled and said, “You mean my toupee?”

Hurwitz mustered, “Yes. Promise me you won’t wear it, and I’ll submit you.”

All ended well.

3.  Putting Your Assets on Display

Shara Senderoff, co-founder and CEO of Intern Sushi, was none too happy when she entered the lobby to greet an interviewee and discovered the young lady was wearing a mini-skirt and an extremely transparent shirt.

Senderoff gave her an appalled look.

“She clearly noticed my disgust and apologized profusely as she thought she was interviewing with a guy because my male assistant was scheduling the interview time with her,” she recalls. “Instead of focusing on her intelligence or the skills she could bring to the table, she thought a push-up lace bra would seal the deal.”

“It didn’t,” Senderoff says.

Stories 4,5, and Complete Article

Thursday, March 21, 2013

5 Soft Skills to Showcase in an Interview


If you are extremely qualified, have terrific application materials, a targeted resume and you're interviewing for jobs, but always coming up with a silver medal, it's possible that you're bumping up against an elusive category: likability. Also known in the industry as "cultural fit," likability is a reason many candidates don't make the final cut—the interviewers either didn't like them or didn't believe they would mesh well with current employees.

One of the reasons that most employers don't provide specific feedback to a second-place candidate is because it's difficult to explain why someone doesn't fit in. An employer can get in legal hot water for explaining that someone didn't get hired because the team just didn't like the candidate and couldn't imagine spending a lot of time together.

Emotional intelligence, otherwise known as soft skills, is the category of skills most likely involved when evaluating likability or fit. Wikipedia defines them as "Personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person's skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills relate to a person's ability to interact effectively with co-workers and customers and are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace."

Soft skills include: attitude, communication skills, time management, critical thinking and a slew of other categories that do not relate to intelligence.

There's no question that soft skills play a role in most, if not all, hiring decisions. So how can you demonstrate these skills during an interview? Eddie Earnest from HigherNext (, a company that offers the Certified Business Laureate (CBL) certification tests and credentialing system, suggests the following tips to help highlight these five soft skills during an interview.

1. Work ethic. Make sure to weave your thoughts about how important the company's mission and vision are to you and explain why you're willing to go the extra mile to help the organization succeed. One tenant of evaluating candidates is that past performance is a predictor of future results. Make sure you prove that you have a strong work ethic by giving examples from the past about how you went above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done. "Describe how you always complete projects efficiently and on-time, why you're punctual and persistent and how you balance your drive to succeed with the company's goals," Earnest says.

2. Positive attitude. Give examples of how you improved employee morale in a past position, or how your positive attitude helped motivate your colleagues or those you managed. Earnest suggests: "Some people are naturally bubbly and always upbeat. Others have a more tame and low-energy demeanor. Especially if you tend to be more low-key, smile when you shake the interviewer's hand and make an extra effort to add some intonation and expression to your responses."
Make sure you aren't boring or dry, or you could lose your chance to be hired.

3. Communication skills. Your interview is a great opportunity to demonstrate how well you communicate, so be sure you prepare and practice responses to showcase your best skills. Earnest says, "Be concrete with these examples, and bring proof to the interview. Provide examples of materials you created or written campaigns you developed in past positions."

Tips 4,5, and Complete USNews Article

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Top 100 Pinterest Boards for Job Search

Where to find the best job search resources on Pinterest.

Why use Pinterest for your job search?

Well, if you saw our previous article about The Best Pinterest Job Search Tips From The Experts, you already know about using it to make a visual resume, to show off your achievements (as a work portfolio) or just to be inspired.

With all that in mind and more, these are 100 most popular job search-oriented boards on Pinterest:
Latest update: March 18, 2013

1. Job Search Resources by Writing Service (6,030 followers)
2. Job Search/Jobs/Resumes/Employment by Lisa Simpkins (4,383 followers)
3. Promo Portfolio Resume by Kathy McGraw (4,088 followers)
4. 007 A+ for the Resume by 007 Marketing (2,771 followers)
5. Job Search Info – Post to this board by Better Resume Service (2,800 followers)
6. Job Search Related Resources by Better Resume Service (2,784 followers)
7. 007 Social Job Search Circle by 007 Marketing (2,613 followers)
8. 007 Job Interview Etiquette by 007 Marketing (2,584 followers)
9. resume by Eva Morell (2,483 followers)
10. Job Interview Looks by (2,317 followers)
11. Job Search by CAREEREALISM (2,237 followers)
12. Todo sobre entrevistas de trabajo / All about job interview by Alfredo Vela (2,144 followers)
13. Job Applications and Interviews by TES Teaching Resources (2,124 followers)
14. the living resume by Rachael King (1,791 followers)
15. Professional Portfolio: Job Interview Tips, Documenting Practice, Proffessional Development Ideas/Opportunities, CV tips, Media Kit etc. by Ellen Jaye Benson (1,586 followers)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How To Transform Your Resume From Vintage To Viral


You may not describe yourself as “vintage,” but your resume and social media profiles may be giving off a vintage vibe. Do you love soft vintage jeans? You know, the kind that are reminiscent of the past, but somehow give off a vogue style. A vintage resume is a totally different thing. Vintage in the career world can handcuff you to a stale employment situation, one that is in dire need of a complete makeover. What can do you do to break free and launch into a fulfilling career?

6 Steps To Transform Your Resume

Give your resume a face lift with these six easy steps:

1. Change The Look And Feel

In the past, resumes were initially viewed on paper. Fonts like Times New Roman were easier to read on paper. Today, resumes are almost always read online. Sans serif fonts are more easily read on a screen. These fonts are great choices: Calibri, Gautomi, or Verdana.
Styles are more sophisticated. Integration of color in the category headers, bullets, or border add interest. In years past people might have included graphics and logos on a resume to call attention to certifications. Today, resumes are scanned by ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) and graphics can be garbled; in some cases boot a resume from consideration. Skip the logo graphics.
How about the feel? Nothing cries vintage like a paper resume sent via U.S. Mail or fax! The only time that you need a paper copy of your resume is when you present a resume in a face-to-face interview.

2. Ditch The Physical Address

Keep it simple. Under your name, list your cell number and e-mail – without labeling them “cell” and “e-mail.” Next, list your LinkedIn URL, website URL (if you have a website), and blog URL (if you have a relevant blog). No need for a physical address. Haven’t you heard? The U.S. Postal Service is no longer delivering on Saturday! You don’t need to use ‘snail mail’ to get your resume to someone; similarly, you likely won’t be receiving traditional mail from a future employer. Including a physical address is becoming obsolete.

3. Customize Each Resume

In the past, employees stayed in one occupation for most of their career. At the very least, people remained in positions for multiple years. In that reality, one resume was fine. In today’s market, job seekers must be nimble. People change careers more frequently, manage multiple and diverse responsibilities within a single role, and must be adaptable to technology and market changes. One resume is not enough. Instead create a master resume and customize the resume for each job opportunity.

Tips 4-6 and Complete Careerealism Article

Monday, March 18, 2013

Prep Your Google+ Profile for Career Development

Social media is becoming an essential tool for those interested in finding a new job or extending their professional network. There are endless opportunities to connect with individuals and organizations from all over the world that share your interests.

When you think social media and careers, LinkedIn may be the first place that comes to mind. I, as well as our recent Inside Online Learning chat participants, continue to recommend LinkedIn as a primary account, but it may be time to expand your online reach with Google+ as your next step.

Why Google+?

Donna Svei of answers that, “if you have a profile on Google Plus, and it contains the key words a recruiter is looking for, your profile will pop for them from their Google Search. IT’S THAT EASY. No building a network. No levels of connection. No spendy premium plans. Just simplicity.”

Chances are you are already using Google, whether it’s the popular search engine, Gmail, or one of many Google Apps. If you already have a Google account, log in to check your options for completing a profile and the adjusting the settings for search visibility and privacy. A new post from Mashable proclaims “you will be Googled,” so why not take action to fine tune the part of your digital footprint that is already associated with Google?

Profile Basics

With career development and the job search process in mind, here is a short list of the Google+ profile sections you should consider completing as a form of social resume:
  • Story: This is the primary information that will appear under the “About” tab of your profile (see the screenshot below). It includes Tagline, Introduction, and Bragging Rights (i.e., achievements). What is your story? Use key words relevant to your industry and interests to help your profile appear in recruiters’ searches. Note that while the brief Tagline is public, you can modify the settings for the Introduction and Bragging Rights.
  • Work: In this section of your profile you can add your Occupation, a list of Skills, and details about your Employment history (i.e., company name, job title, start and end dates, job description.) As in the Story section, you can decide which items will be public or private.
  • Education: Create a list of your education and training achievements. The entries are similar in format to what you might include in a traditional resume or job application, such as institution name, field of study, and year of graduation

  • More Tips and The Complete Article 

Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Ways to Ace Your Start-up Informational Interview


If you’re in the market for a job at a start-up, you probably already know the hiring process is a little bit different: You can submit a video in lieu of a cover letter, wear jeans to your interview, and even (if you’re brave) follow up on social media.
Same goes for informational interviews. While I was job hunting over the past year, I spent a huge portion of my time setting up (and perfecting my strategy for) coffee meetings with founders and employees of start-ups. And I quickly realized that the across-the-board tips for these interviews (do your research beforehand, come with a prepared list of questions) don’t cover everything you need to know. Yes, some of the usual advice was helpful, but making the most out of a start-up informational interview also involves some unique strategies.
Whether you’re trying to land a job or you just want to learn more about what it’s like to work in the start-up world, here are five tips I picked up that will help you ace your next meeting.

1. Bring Your Enthusiasm

Regardless of who you’re interviewing with—a founder, engineer, recruiter, or customer service rep—you can assume that they’re underpaid and overworked, but incredibly excited by what they do. And that they want to see that same sort of enthusiasm from future employees.
So right from the start (after you introduce yourself, of course), make sure to fully explain your interest in the company and its mission. For example, if you’ve used the company’s product or service before, talk about the experience you had and what you loved about it. If you’ve only read about the company, share what you discovered in your research and why it really clicked with you. By showing your enthusiasm early on, you’ll connect with your new contact and set an engaging and lively tone for your conversation.

2. Come With Suggestions 

In addition to explaining why you’re particularly excited about this business concept, try to work a few suggestions on ways to improve the company into your conversation. For example, maybe you think the customer service department would really benefit from a live chat feature on its website, or you have a potential partnership in mind that would really boost the company’s marketing.
While you don’t want to come across like you’re trying to “fix” the company, when it’s phrased constructively and respectfully (“Have you ever considered creating an online forum for your customers, where they could post questions and help others troubleshoot?”), giving a suggestion can spark a back-and-forth about the way the business works. This kind of conversation will help you learn more about the behind-the-scenes of the company and will show your new contact that you’ve given significant thought to moving the business forward. Plus, you’ll prove just how beneficial you could be to the company as a new employee.

3. Ask Questions About Company Culture—a Lot of Them

Because the nature of start-up work typically requires employees to wear a lot of hats, these companies aren’t necessarily looking for a specific set of skills in potential employees. Instead, they’re often looking for someone who will be a good fit with the team overall, both professionally and socially.
So, make sure to ask a lot of questions about the character and habits of the employees who work there. Ask questions like, “What drives your employees to provide such great customer service?” Or, on the more casual side, “Does the team spend time together outside of work?” These kind of questions will help you understand what the start-up is looking for in its next employee, and just as importantly, will help you decide whether or not its culture is right for you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

In 10 Powerful Steps: Stand Out as a Job Seeker

by Brazen Careerist

Although the news assures us the economy is recovering, statistics show the job market in 2013 may be every bit as tough as the job market of 2012. With such fierce competition for desirable jobs…

What steps can you take to get noticed by recruiters?

These 10 tips will help you stand out from the sea of nameless, faceless job seekers, and get recruiters’ attention:

1. Garner a Reputation

Remember in high school, when your extracurricular activities were the key to getting noticed by colleges? The same principle applies here.

Get involved in your community. Volunteer for causes that are meaningful to you. Build a name for yourself and make your face known. Not only could it make a difference at the interview table, but this small step could create unforeseen networking opportunities down the road.

2. Learn a Language

The modern workplace has become ever more diverse and multilingual; broadening your language skills can only increase your value to a potential employer.

A second (or third) language not only sets you apart from the crowd; it also broadens the scope of where you can work. Learn to speak Spanish or another language that could be specifically useful in your chosen field or industry. If you already know another language, take the time to brush up while you’re on the job hunt.

3. Get on the Web

A good-looking Facebook profile is a start, but it’s not enough to get you noticed. Create a personal website that highlights your professional life and personality, showcases your unique skills and sells your brand. Just make sure the site looks professional and doesn’t contain anything potential employers might find distasteful. (As you already know, that goes for your Facebook profile and any other social media accounts, too)

Even better, create a “hire me” website specifically for your job search, maybe even targeted directly at the job or employer you want.

4. Add a Personal Touch

Don’t just email a resume and hope for the best. Add a unique and memorable aspect to how you approach each employer!

Create a complete application package according to their specifications… and then hand-deliver. Or find appropriate and welcome ways to network with people inside the company you want to work for. As long as you keep your actions professional and appropriate, a personal touch can go a long way toward getting someone to remember your name in that pile of resumes in their inbox.

5. Promote Yourself and Your Work

This is where that personal website might come in handy. Picking up freelance work or doing projects for family and friends will build your portfolio, even if it doesn’t build your bank account. Build up testimonials that show your work and your work ethic.

Word of mouth can travel fast… and is also a great way to update those skills.
Speaking of which…

Tips 6-10 and Complete Article

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

5 Tips to Job Hunt Using Social Media


If you think LinkedIn is the only social networking site to job hunt, you may be mistaken. Susan Vitale, CMO of iCIMS, a talent acquisition technology company, says job seekers are often remiss in excluding popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

"There are misconceptions that job seekers should be leaning toward LinkedIn to find jobs," Vitale says. "But for companies that are more progressive, they think outside LinkedIn and have been very successful in filling positions."

To attract headhunters and be the first to know about open positions, you need to think outside the LinkedIn box, she says. Here's a look at five ways you can job hunt on both popular and lesser-known social networks.

1. Follow Companies on Facebook

If there's a company you want to work for, be sure you "like" them on Facebook, Vitale says. When new job positions open, many companies will post it on their Facebook page, or have a tab dedicated entirely to open positions.

"Companies tend to leverage Facebook to share jobs online through microsites or a tab within their company page," Vitale says. "Anyone who follows that brand on Facebook will be the first to know if something opens up," she says.

2. SEO Your Facebook Profile

When Facebook's new search tool, Graph, was introduced earlier this year, some people worried about its privacy implications. Facebook Graph does make it easier for others to find public information about you—bad if you don t understand your privacy settings, but potentially good if you're in the market for a new job.

"I think it will take some time for recruiting to catch on to Facebook, but I know some recruiters who will be all over it," Vitale says. One example: A quick search of "People interested in Java who live in San Francisco" returns more than 1,000 Facebook profiles.

As more recruiters turn to Facebook to find talent, it's important that you update your profile with relevant information, Vitale says. Be sure to update your education section, previous job experience, skill sets and languages you speak.

"The more relevant information you pump into your profile, the better off you'll be," she says.

3. Search Hashtags on Twitter

Not many people consider searching Twitter when they're looking for a new job, Vitale says. But you should.

"Twitter isn't just to tweet and share your thoughts," she says. "Technologists want to be with a progressive company, and these companies will often post open jobs on Twitter with appropriate hashtags that are easy to search."

Start by searching hashtags related to your industry and location with "#jobs" or "#jobsearch," Vitale recommends. Try a few iterations of that search until you discover some leads.

Another plus to job searching on Twitter: It can be easier to find and connect with someone at that company, she says.

"Searching for jobs on Twitter means you literally have the most up-to-date job listings since they're posted in real-time. If you find a job you're interested in, reach out to whoever tweeted it," Vitale says. "You have an advantage there because posts aren't as anonymous as they are on job boards or LinkedIn."

Tips 4,5, and Complete Article 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ten Dumb Things Said During Job Interviews

We've all experienced it. That sinking feeling that occurs when the job interview that was going so well suddenly goes off track. Maybe it's the expression on the hiring manager's face, or the awkward pause that ensues, but there is little doubt when it happens.

Common interview mistakes, of course, include bad mouthing your former employer, failing to adequately research the company or the position and just plain talking too much., a job posting site, publishes an annual list of 10 interview blunders, including asking the hiring manager for a ride home or flushing the toilet during a phone interview.

Thanks to the rise of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, dumb interview moves are taking on a new character. The urge to share everything about one's life with friends and strangers via cyberspace is invading the very private atmosphere of the recruiter's office. Moreover, the need to stand out in the information cacophony of the Web has increased the pressure to seem unique and special.
"We've been socialized to assume that we have to stand out in some way, and we're encouraged to be bold," says Roy Cohen, author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide" and a New York City-based career coach. "But that is not necessarily what people are looking for in candidates to bring on board. They want people who fit in."

Oversharing has now become an occupational hazard of the job hunt. Here are 10 examples of when too much information was, well, really too much information:

"My apologies for being late, my husband and I were fighting. It happens all the time."
"One individual arrived 20 minutes late for her interview," says Lisa Chenofsky Singer, an executive and career management coach based in New Jersey. While the pair walked to grab the candidate a cup of water, Chenofsky Singer asked how the commute had been. "She in turn told me that her commute was horrid, and she and her husband had fought on who was responsible for dropping their child off at day care," she explains. "I followed up with 'Is this a typical morning?' She replied that this is why she lost her last job, and continued on to tell me that the company had no respect for families."

Not only has the candidate revealed that she's having persistent marital problems, but before she's even sat down for her initial interview, she's indicated that those issues impact her ability to arrive on time to the office, and she expects the employer to be tolerant of it. "You get so much out of a candidate in that short walk to the coffee station. People talk much more informally then," Chenofsky Singer says. "She had such a great resume," but knowing that her client was already frantic, "I knew I couldn't bring more chaos into his life, I had to make it simpler."

"I'm in anger management because I hit a former co-worker."
"I've had candidates share with me their anger management problems, views on gender, age, and other things that can be damaging in an interview," says Shilonda Downing, owner of Virtual Work Team, which helps business owners find remote workers. "One candidate recently mentioned that he was going through anger management for hitting a co-worker in corporate America, and that is why he would like to work from home going forward."

Major character flaws, particularly when they are of the physical-harm variety, shouldn't be brought up in an interview. Bringing up disagreements with colleagues or managers as a reason for leaving a former employer doesn't bode well that you'll be reliable and reasonable in a new position--even if it is a remote one. "Mentioning this is typically deemed as someone who is unable to handle situations professionally and without violence," Downing says. Unless you're required to disclose that you're undergoing some kind of psychological treatment, find an honest way to work around it.

"Well you're cute, too."
"There was a man who asked the junior recruiter interviewing him out on a date during the interview," says Winnie Anderson, a former recruiter for the casino gaming industry. "She excused herself somehow and came into my office to tell me about it. She was really flustered." Anderson asked the applicant into her office, as the fellow's original interviewer was too uncomfortable to continue herself. "I then proceeded to thank him for coming in, and explained we wouldn't be able to consider him for a position because he had asked Jane out and that was inappropriate conduct in an interview," she says. "He then said, 'Well you're cute, too.' I said he could go now."

It should go without explanation, but any level of flirtation in an interview--subtle or blatant--should never occur. It especially shouldn't occur twice in the same interview.

"My old boss was a monster, and it's really scarred me emotionally."
"I have a client I was working with who exited from a very difficult situation at work, where she had worked for someone who was really a monster," Cohen says. "The feelings were so very raw about working for this individual, and she truly felt that she had been treated unfairly when she was dismissed." Whether or not that was the case, Cohen says, she shouldn't have been focusing on something the interviewer doesn't need to hear about.

Disagreements between managers and their lieutenants are common, but knowing that an employee was scarred by a bad relationship with their supervisor doesn't reflect positively on the job applicant. "When interviewers meet candidates, they're not psychotherapists. They don't want to know the deep dark secrets you might be hiding, they just want to know that you can do the job, that you're basically sane and that you'll fit in," Cohen says.

Offering more than that can make them question your suitability for the role. "Anyone who did their homework would find that the individual my client worked for had a reputation that preceded her as being very difficult to work with," he explains, "but she should have come up with a more appropriate way to bring up the separation."

"Oh, that's because I just took a Xanax."
"I interviewed someone who swore she'd be great at the job, but she was talking incredibly slowly," says Chenofsky Singer, the career management coach. "A single word would take forever. I wanted to pull them out of her mouth." Concerned that the applicant might be suffering from a legitimate medical issue like low blood sugar, Chenofsky Singer asked if this was the candidate's typical rate of speaking. "'Oh, yes,' she replied, 'I take a Xanax before a meeting or a presentation because I get so nervous. I don't think I'm doing poorly, do you?'"

Having some nerves before an interview is normal, but before medicating, be sure of the effects on your personality and disposition. "More than trying to pick on her individual interviewing style at the time, I was concerned that there was something I should know," Chenofsky Singer says, which served as a distraction from a discussion of her qualifications.

Dumb Things 6-10 and Complete WSJ Article

Monday, March 11, 2013

7 Pinterest Boards to Follow for Your Career

Is it possible to get anything but hours of casual fun out of the popular pinboard site, Pinterest? As it turns out, yes. A number of great websites and organizations take to Pinterest to share their advice, ideas and insights related to careers, job searching and professional development, while managing to turn this often cumbersome activity into a more enjoyable, visual experience.
Pinterest already is a way for professionals to organize their career plans, get job search tips, and showcase their work in an interesting, visual way to employers. To jump-start your use of Pinterest for your career, here are seven of the best Pinterest boards to follow related to employment.

1. InsideJobs

This organization uses Pinterest to help people with career exploration and inspiration, including career ideas, education, career coaching and career change. With only eight boards, InsideJobs updates regularly and provides insightful, useful info for professionals, much like a pinboard career coach.

2. CareerBliss

Self-described as a “community dedicated to finding you a happier job,” CareerBliss offers a variety of useful pinboards on Pinterest. Their boards include articles related to bosses, coworkers, employers, employee benefits, company culture, work options and having fun at work.

3. BrazenCareerist

If you’re looking to become a more savvy job seeker, follow BrazenCareerist on Pinterest to find advice and tips on job searching, as well as a compilation of online job fairs, career courses you can take, and specific advice for Gen Y.


Their motto couldn’t be more true (“Because every job is temporary.”) and their Pinterest boards are a bit like job search boot camp with fun visuals. You’ll find tips for resumes, job interviews, networking, cover letters and work attire. They’ve also got recommendations for career books, work lunch ideas, office decor, vacation destinations and more.

Boards 5-7 and Complete Mashable Article 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Get to the Point! 5 Best Practices for a Better Cover Letter

by Luke Roney

Not everyone believes you should include a cover letter with every resume.
Some say busy hiring managers just discard a cover letter and jump straight to the resume. Others insist a cover letter is an opportunity to show how the skills on your resume match the job requirements — and build rapport with a prospective employer.
Despite the differing opinions, people in both camps agree on one point: If a prospective employer requests a cover letter, you should provide one.
Consider the following when drafting your next cover letter:

1. Make Your Letter Visually Appealing

Before anyone ever reads your cover letter, they are going scan the document. If your cover letter even looks daunting, you’ve already lost the game.
Long sentences and unbroken blocks of text are turnoffs for readers – especially hiring managers who spend their days slogging through cover letter after boring  cover letter. Your sentences should be short. Paragraphs (there should only be three to five) should be separated by a space (no need to indent). Consider using bullet points when listing your qualifications and accomplishments to further break up the text and make your qualifications more scannable.

2. Write an Original

Drafting a generic form letter may seem like a time-saver, but a cover letter template will end up hurting you in the end – when you lose the interview because you failed to be sincere. Write a fresh cover letter for every job opportunity. Closely read the job posting and tailor the letter to match. Use terminology similar to that in the posting and adopt a similar tone (some job postings, for instance, are strictly business, while others are more conversational). Be original… and show will fit in.

3. Keep Your Writing Relevant

A cover letter should not be a mere catalog of your skills and experience – that’s what your resume is. Nor should it be your life story – a recruiter will simply pass. Use a cover letter to show you are the right person for the position by matching your qualifications with the specific requirements listed in the job posting. Use real-life examples, quantify your achievements and be specific to the task at hand.

Tips 4,5, and Complete Article

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Most Important Interview Question of All Time

NOTE - this is not the ONLY question, just the most important. Make sure you check out THE ANSWER (Part 2) post. Part 3 is for job-seekers on how to prepare for the interview.)
Over the past 30+ years as a recruiter, I can confirm that at least two-thirds of my hiring manager clients weren’t very good at interviewing. Yet, over 90% thought they were. To overcome this situation, it was critical that I became a better interviewer than them, to prove with evidence that the candidate was competent and motivated to do the work required. This led me on a quest for the single best interview question that would allow me to overcome any incorrect assessment with actual evidence.

It took about 10 years of trial and error. Then I finally hit upon one question that did it all.
Here’s it is:

What single project or task would you consider the most significant accomplishment in your career so far?

To see why this simple question is so powerful, imagine you’re the candidate and I’ve just asked you this question. What accomplishment would you select? Then imagine over the course of the next 15-20 minutes I dug deeper and asked you about the following. How would you respond?
  • Can you give me a detailed overview of the accomplishment?
  • Tell me about the company, your title, your position, your role, and the team involved.
  • What were the actual results achieved?
  • When did it take place and how long did the project take.
  • Why you were chosen?
  • What were the 3-4 biggest challenges you faced and how did you deal with them?
  • Where did you go the extra mile or take the initiative?
  • Walk me through the plan, how you managed to it, and if it was successful.
  • Describe the environment and resources.
  • Describe your manager’s style and whether you liked it or not.
  • Describe the technical skills needed to accomplish the objective and how they were used.
  • Some of the biggest mistakes you made.
  • Aspects of the project you truly enjoyed.
  • Aspects you didn’t especially care about and how you handled them.
  • How you managed and influenced others, with lots of examples.
  • How you were managed, coached, and influenced by others, with lots of examples.
  • How you changed and grew as a person.
  • What you would do differently if you could do it again.
  • What type of formal recognition did you receive?
If the accomplishment was comparable to a real job requirement, and if the answer was detailed enough to take 15-20 minutes to complete, consider how much an interviewer would know about your ability to handle the job. The insight gained from this type of question would be remarkable. But the real issue is not the question, this is just a setup. The details underlying the accomplishment are what's most important. This is what real interviewing is about – getting into the details and comparing what the candidate has accomplished in comparison to what needs to be accomplished. Don’t waste time asking a lot of clever questions during the interview, or box checking their skills and experiences: spend time learning to get the answer to just this one question.

As you’ll discover you’ll then have all of the information to prove to other interviewers that their assessments were biased, superficial, emotional, too technical, intuitive or based on whether they liked the candidate or not. Getting the answer to this one question is all it takes.

Lou Adler is the Amazon best-selling author of Hire With Your Head (Wiley, 2007) and the award-winning Nightingale-Conant audio program, Talent Rules! His latest book, The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired, was published on February 1, 2013.