What The Great Reshuffle Means For Your Job Search - 7 Tips

Tammy Homegardner

Millions of workers have resigned from their jobs over the past year, deciding that they need to make a change. Most are searching for new positions that align with their needs and values. In contrast, others have decided to switch careers entirely. No matter the reason behind your job hunt, I have some good (and bad) news for you.

The good news is that companies are offering employees more than ever before to attract, acquire and retain top talent. This is excellent from a negotiation standpoint as higher salaries, flexible schedules and increased perks and benefits are all on the table. However, there are countless candidates to choose from. So, even though the opportunities posted seem endless, competition for these positions is fierce. If you are looking to change your career, you can still land your dream position. It just requires some strategy on your part.
1) Do not search blindly.

When making a career change, your search must target one or two different positions — tops. Trust me when I say that you will get nowhere if you search for many different roles across numerous industries. Your LinkedIn profile and resume will not be targeted the way they should be, and you will be less focused when presenting yourself for any role. If you are unsure what you want to do moving forward, you need to take some time to assess.

4)  List your negotiables and non-negotiables. Group what you want from your next role into “non-negotiable” and “negotiable” categories. For example, a non-negotiable may be a flexible work schedule or working within the environmental industry. A negotiable may be the salary range or specific responsibilities associated with the role.

7) Do not underestimate the power of networking.

Because the job market is saturated with candidates, many positions are filled through referrals. It is vital to strengthen your online and in-person network by optimizing your LinkedIn profile, attending networking events and speaking with those you know. This is another reason why being targeted with your job search is integral to your success.

To network effectively, consider having a short pitch that you can use when meeting people and discussing your professional goal. Building on the example listed above:

I have been interested in transitioning into a sales position for quite some time. I have more than 10 years of experience in marketing — creating strategic campaigns that engage customers and achieve goals. I believe my background within marketing transfers seamlessly into a business development role, and I am excited about a new opportunity.

See all 7 tips and the complete Forbes article


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