5 Amazing Job Search Tips That (Almost) Nobody Follows

by Mark Babbitt

Job search advice is everywhere. It’s hard to know who to listen to – and even harder to know what advice really works… and what is just crap.
So here are five “never-fails” pieces of advice – from job-seeking mindset to nailing the interview – that will make a difference in how you are perceived by recruiters… and WILL help you get a job or internship!

Realize This is a Competition

Job seeking has always been you against someone else. So, put your game face on… and compete! And not just before the interview, or when you get excited about a specific opportunity – but throughout your entire job search.
In our current economy, it isn’t just you against a couple peers… it’s you against Boomers laid off two years ago willing to take a pay cut; former Gen X managers waiting their turn for the right job; and a horde of recent graduates desperate to enter the workforce (and avoid moving back with their parents). Maybe five years ago you were competing against five people similar to you. Now, you’re up against against 20, 50… maybe 100 just-as-qualified-as-you applicants, or more.
Also, take some pressure off yourself by knowing this: you do NOT have to be perfect. Just like every other competition: to win, you only have to be a little better than the person you’re competing against. Attempts to be perfect are paralyzing – and unproductive.

Personalize EVERY Resume Sent

This is one of those advice gems you hear all the time. And yet, about 75% of the resumes we receive at YouTern are generic, boring documents that fail to show the sender did any homework – and is instead just going through the motions.
EVERY resume you send should contain keywords and phrases from the job description and company website. EVERY resume should summarize how you are a “must interview” candidate by summarizing how your soft skills match those sought by that employer. EVERY cover letter you send should contain the recruiter’s name.
If you don’t take this simple advice – and send out old-school, photocopied, generic resumes… you’re not competing, and won’t win.

Establish Your Strengths: Value Proposition - See tips 3 - 5 and complete article

About the Author: A passionate supporter of Gen Y talent, CEO and Founder of YouTern Mark Babbitt is a serial entrepreneur and mentor. Mark has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Forbes and Under30CEO regarding internships, higher education’s role in preparing emerging talent for the workforce and career development. Recently, Mark was honored to be named to GenJuice’s list of “Top 100 Most Desirable Mentors”. You can contact Mark via email or on Twitter.

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