7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make


Are you in the process of searching for a new job but can’t seem to get the callbacks you want?
It may be you’re making some common yet avoidable mistakes along the way. Don’t continue your job searching without being sure. Take a look at the following seven job seeking mistakes you should dodge at all costs:

1. The Aimless Search

If you’re sending out resumes without knowing what your ideal job is, you’re wasting your valuable time. So, before shipping off another application, be sure to sit down and define what type of job you’re looking for. This way, you’ll have a more focused search and can create a goal-oriented resume to match.

2. Bad Interviewing Habits

Do you have bad interviewing habits? In other words, do you assume you’re on a first-name basis with interviewers? Or do you slouch in your seat? If so, be sure to learn about appropriate body language and ways to address interviews so that you can always come across as a confident candidate with plenty to offer.

3. Bad-Mouthing a Previous Employer

Many interviewees get stuck with the question, “Why did you leave your previous employer?” While you may want to say that your previous boss was a jerk, this is not the time or place to mention it. So if you’re asked this question, just say you were looking for new opportunities to broaden your horizon.

Mistakes 4 - 7 and Complete Careerealism article

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