Monday, June 4, 2012

Corn On the Job’s Top 25 Twitter Accounts for Job Seekers to Follow

When I launched Corn on the Job in July of 2009, I was unemployed, and in my own way, starting a job search of my own.  To be perfectly honest, the end result was more of a life search to understand who I was, where I’ve been, and most importantly, where I should be.  Much has come from that search, ultimately leading to the formation and launch of Bad Rhino Social Media, where I spend a great deal of my time these days.
In Corn on the Job’s (nearly) three year existence, I’ve been inspired by countless career experts.  Through email, online, phone, and in-person conversations, each of the experts I’ve interacted with pushed me to be a better blogger for my audience here on Corn on the Job.  For this reason, I wanted to create a list to highlight my personal favorite career experts.

 Top 25 Twitter Accounts for Job Seekers to Follow

#1 – @TimsStrategy

 Tim Tyrell-Smith may not know exactly how much I respect and admire his work.  When we had a phone call at some point in 2010, I was immediately impressed and have enjoyed reading his helpful articles and tweets since.  You can check out his blog/website at and make sure to check out, “10 Signs You Are Being Lazy on Linkedin”


#3 – @UndercoverRec

Started by Jorgen Sundberg, Undercover Recruiter posts incredible content for job seekers, recruiters, and anyone in the career space.  When you follow their Twitter account, you won’t be disappointed by the mass of helpful links.  Stop by and make sure to read, “5 Less Than Obvious Ways to Network with People”.

#4 – @JobHuntChat

#JobHuntChat was invented by yours truly with help from Jessica Miller-Merrill (@blogging4jobs).  #JobHuntChat was the first ever twitter chat for job seekers, and features a weekly one-hour chat on Monday nights from 10-11PM.  We’ve been said to include the best mix of career experts and job seekers, which has resulted in an abundance of incredible connections made and information shared by community members.

#5 – @LindseyPollak

Many career experts break away from sharing entirely career or job search tweets.  That’s not the case with Lindsey.  She shares a ton of helpful links, that are either her own or from other experts.  Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that she’s also a Linkedin Spokeswoman.  Check out her blog at and make sure to read, “How LinkedIn Company Pages Can Help Your Job Search”

#6 – @JacobShare

Jacob Share is just an awesome guy that I’ve had the opportunity to chat with on a few occasions.  He is the man behind JobMob, a great resource for job seekers that like Corn on the Job, tries to bring in a certain level of humor into the process.  Check out and make sure to read, “20 Tools to Find Local Networking Events Quickly”

#7 – @Blogging4Jobs

When I invented #JobHuntChat, I realized that I needed to partner up with someone who was even more knowledgable than me.  Jessica Miller-Merrill (aka @blogging4jobs) was the very first person I reached out to.  Luckily, she said yes.  She has been an amazing help and I’ve witnessed first hand how much value she brings to job seekers.  Check out and make sure to read, “Four Job Search Tips for the Passive Candidate”

#8 – @JoshuaWaldman 

Along with being the creator of his Career Enlightenment blog, Joshua Waldman also wrote Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies.  Ever since I was made aware of his presence, I’ve been a reader and follower, and have been learning ever since.  Check out and make sure to read, “Is Twitter the New Way to Find Hidden Jobs?”

#10 – @DanSchawbel

Dan Schawbel is a personal branding expert that has been featured or quoted basically everywhere.   Personal branding is a hot topic for job seekers and Dan is the person to go to for guidance in this area.  Check out

#25 – @StevenRothberg

Steven Rothberg is the President and Founder of, a leading job board for students seeking internships and new grads seeking entry-level jobs.  Make sure to check out

Read the complete article and see all 25 experts to follow

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