8 Under Considered Ideas How to Find a Job

2. Make like a product and get yourself a QR Code

By: Lydia

Just as using social media profiles has become an integral part of the job seeking arsenal, increasingly so too is the use of personal QR codes. Admittedly this tactic is most likely to hold favour with creative type companies, there’s nothing to say that it won’t take hold for other industries in the future. It’s super easy to generate your own QR code, so make like a product and go and get yourself one sharpish.

5. It’s called job seeking for a reason

The key point about job seeking is that second word: “seeking”. You have to be pro-active and under no circumstances sit back and wait for the opportunities to come knocking – they very seldom do. Look out for new startups or small businesses. It’s unlikely that they’ll have cash to waste on expensive advertising and recruitment agencies, but they may well be able to squeeze a salary out of their budget once they realise how fabulous you are. Don’t be afraid to contact them. Go get ‘em tiger!

7. Network like your life depends on it

Attend every networking event you think would be of value. Get yourself out there and connect with people. Networking events are not about passing your business card to everyone who comes within spitting distance. Rather they’re about showcasing your personal brand, so go prepared with an elevator pitch so you can let whomever you come into contact with know how hireable you are. In the same vein, get back in touch with former colleagues (LinkedIn is perfect for this) and see who’s doing what for whom, and more importantly do they need any help. It’s not what you know, right?

See all 8 Ideas and the complete UndercoverRecruiter post

Author: Linda Forshaw is a Business Information Systems graduate from Lancaster University. The leading contributor to online university review site Degreejungle.com, she is a full time writer and blogger specializing in education, social media, and entrepreneurship. Contact her on Twitter @seelindaplay

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