Why You Need a Job Interview Ice Breaker

by David Sargant

Vision it. You’re sat there anxiously waiting in the reception area for your job interview to begin.
Tick. Tock.

If you’ve done your research on the company, the job and the person(s) interviewing you, in your head you’re probably going over what you’ve been reading up on. That’s normal.

It’s OK to be nervous before a job interview too – it shows you genuinely care about performing well and that the job is important to you – but you need to be careful that the pre job interview ‘in-head’ planning and your nerves don’t scupper your chances of getting the job – especially within those vital first 10 to 30 seconds of meeting the person who will be interviewing you.

You need to be focusing on a Job Interview Ice Breaker.
A Job Interview Ice Breaker is the very first thing you say and talk about after shaking the interviewer’s hand.

It’s the conversation that you lead on when walking from reception to the interview room, while in the lift to the top floor or while they’re pouring you a glass of water. It fills those awkward moments right before a job interview has started but it also does a whole lot more for your chances of getting the job.

How to identify a good Job Interview Ice Breaker. - Find out to identify a good Ice Breaker, Sample Ice Breakers, and the complete article

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