Wednesday, April 13, 2011

25 Habits to Break if You Want a Job

by Hannah Morgan

This post is one of many Career Collective posts by career and resume experts on Job-hunting “Rules” to Break/ Outdated Job-Search Beliefs .  I am honored to be part of this group and want to thank  Miriam Salpeter, of Keppie Careers, and Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, of Career Trend, for coordinating this initiative now on its second year.  You will find links to the other expert posts at the bottom.  I highly encourage you to read them all and bookmark them for future reference or sharing with friends and family.  If you are on Twitter, you can see our community by following #careercollective.
This advice goes out to new job seekers as well as seasoned job seekers.  It comes from those who have been in job search and have learned through the school of hard knocks.  These are the top 25 habits to break, or not fall into, if you want to land a job quickly:
  1. Only apply for jobs online

  2. Use the same resume for every job you apply to
  3. Don’t network or meet new people
  4. Don’t ask your friends and family for information
  5. Complain about being unemployed
  6. Bad mouth your previous employer
  7. Don’t target companies, apply to anything anywhere
  8. Ask everyone you know for a job

  9. Don’t take time to assess your strengths and passion
  10. Don’t research salaries
  11. Don’t follow up on anything

  12. Don’t do anything differently
  13. Stay away from LinkedIn and social media

1 comment:

  1. Thank you JobSearchJedi for referencing my post!

    Always a pleasure to help those in search of their next gig!
