Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Tips to Beat Job Search Burn Out

by Vault Careers

The weather's heating up, but are your job hunting efforts cooling off?
Fight the urge to abandon your search—stay on track and refresh your motivation with these tips:

1. Do Something You're Awesome At
One of the best ways to right burn out is to feel A. successful, and B. energized. This is most easily and effectively achieved by doing something you enjoy, and you kind of rule at. Be it table tennis, interpretive dance, or beating your niece at Crazy Eights, do it. The sillier (and most different from sitting in front of your computer, applying to jobs), the better. Extra points awarded for physicality.

2. Set Smaller Goals
If your goal is simply to get a job offer, you don't have a lot of control over your success. Which stinks, considering how long and arduous a job search can be. Instead, set smaller goals—quotas for resume send outs, or events attended, or "check ins" with contacts, so you can have little victories to celebrate on your way to the big one.

3. Stay Social
Burn out, by definition, means feeling tired and unmotivated. Your natural response may be to withdraw further, spending more time alone so as to avoid drains on your already low energy. But resist the urge: not only is it vital to your mood and attitude to stay connected, making the social rounds increases your chances of finding a job:  it gets you circulating, and keeps you fresh in your friends' minds. After all, if they haven't seen you recently, how will they remember you when an opportunity arises?

4. Seek Support
Job hunting is a rejection game. No matter how hard you try to stay objective, the fact of the matter is, it's going to start feeling personal when you don't get call backs.
If you keep in touch with others who are also on the hunt, you can compare notes on what's working, what's not working, and best of all, who's getting rejected--because no matter how much it can feel that way, it's not just happening to you.

Tips 5 - 10 and complete Vault article

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