8 New Ways To Look For A Job

By Marty Nemko

Sometimes it feels that job searching hasn't changed in eons: Write a resume, network, answer ads, interview. And you've been using just those to land a job without success. So you're craving something new.

Even in our highly-digitized era, I don't believe the cloud can replace coffee -- that is, sitting down over a cup of coffee with a potential job lead. That said, the internet continues to yield new tools, job search strategies, and factors to consider. Here's the latest crop:

Employers will Google you. If there's something you've posted that you don't want prospective employers to see, take it down. If someone else has written something unfairly negative about you, see if you can get them to take it down. Be sure your LinkedIn profile is complete, including an engaging headshot.

Try CareerSonar. It ranks all jobs available online by the strength of your connections on Facebook and LinkedIn. That makes it easy for you to know when to try to get a connection to try to help you.

Check out Glassdoor.com. The site makes it easy to dig up the straight scoop on what it's like to interview with and work for a specific employer.

You might try posting a Twesume: a 140-character resume on Twitter. Employers like to screen fast and many are looking for social-media-friendly applicants. Sample: Tech PR pro. 16+ years experience both in-house & agency. Looking in LA.

Tips 5-8 and the complete article

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