20 Proven Ways to Beat Your Job Search Competition

by Brazen Careerist

Looking to stand out from the pack during your job search?

As an executive search consultant and civic-connector, I’ve conducted hundreds of interviews and networking meetings. Here are some of my observations from years on the job… insights you can use to beat out your job search competition:

2. Without exception, people help people they like. Be likable. Help others without asking for anything in return. Say thank you. Follow up. Actively listen. Be present.

4. We now live in a 2-degrees-of-separation world. Don’t burn bridges.

5. Take the high road. If you can’t say something nice about a former employer or co-worker, well, you know what to do.

8. Your email says something about you. Retire the Hotmail / CompuServe account.

9. When interviewing, think of it as a conversation, not an interrogation. When appropriate, pause, think and reflect before responding.

10. Body language is 80 percent of how we’re heard and perceived, especially in an interview. Be cognizant of your facial expressions and what you’re doing with your arms and hands.

14. Most unsolicited networking requests come in some form of “please help me.” How can you network differently?

15. The questions posed by candidates are a crucial insight into how they think. Prepare and ask smart questions during your interviews!

Yes, your resume matters. So does your LinkedIn profile, of course. But if you really want to stand out above your competition, follow this advice. A recruiter will thank you. And you’ll get the job.

See all 20 ways and the complete article

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