Interviewing Preparation to Land Your Next Job

Here is an effective technique to help you prepare for your upcoming interviews. You could use this technique both for formal job interviews or less formal informational interviews.

First search websites or books for typical interview questions. Then print out this list of questions and cuts them into individual questions. Load a large bowl with these typical interview questions. You could have a separate bowl for informational interview questions. Before dinner your family to each draw a question or two from the bowl.

During dinner have each of them take turns asking you these various questions. This technique gives you practice delivering your carefully crafted responses. Use the SAR (situation - action - result) format to organize your thoughts.

This technique gives you practice speaking without notes and improve your public speaking skills. You can focus totally on the delivery of your message. Your significant other will see and understand the efforts you have put into preparing for this interview situation. Your teenage children have a role model for preparing for their own job interviews. The kids understand the type of preparation that will give them an edge when they are competing for a job. The teens also can appreciate the amount of work you put into your job search.

Bottom line? Here is a win-win situation for the entire family. The job seeker practices responding to typical questions. In the process he or she becomes more comfortable and confident. This family gains insight as to the important work required to prepare for an interview. You will arrive at the interview with the tools to give you the confidence to make a positive impression.

April M. Williams, Career Coach, Public Speaker, President CyberLife Tutors - Have the courage to change! And now I would like to offer you my free weekly newsletter of career and networking tips

Original Article -

Tim Esse

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