Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top Social Networking Sites – Applications for job seekers

If you are looking for most of the Internet in your job search to be sure to check the following Web sites and applications:


You can change the visibility as a work in sport or an expert in your field level Twitter to participate in discussions on topics that are familiar in that position you as an experienced professional. job seekers must be on Twitter, because the recruiters use to source candidates to search for documents in theirBIOS. I suggest that job seekers have a link to their LinkedIn profile or web resume so recruiters can go to another site for more detailed information, Since Twitter is the short power.

You can use the network to expand finding thought leaders and other professionals in your area using Twellow many different categories you can search for people. Since you do not need anyone's permission (unless they are to follow tweetssure), you or someone you want to follow, and many people will follow you back. You can also see who are the people who follow retweeting. The people can be good for you to follow.

Know of open positions, I would recommend the use of job seekers It 'a service that directly post jobs for job seekers to text message, and it takes about eight seconds to find a position. Jobseekers can register asMany of the more than 7500 channels they want, quoting the job title and geographic areas. You can follow me on Twitter at @ TweetMyJOBS TweetMyJobs.


Many recruiters are looking for social media sites for the candidates than positions on job boards instead. Profiles occurs on potential candidates' contact with them on LinkedIn. In addition to a LinkedIn profile job seekers can get their profile on LinkedIn increased participation in groupsand answer questions on LinkedIn Answers section. Recruiters have a positive impression of the candidates who deserve the best answers through thoughtful answers to the comments section.

Also, I recommend that job seekers use the page works on LinkedIn to find open positions. LinkedIn is all automatic connections you have on contract jobs company's vacancy. This is a useful feature, since it is always useful to try to network your wayto a company.


You can join groups on Facebook and on topics of interest as a work in sport is based. If you are a member of a group can help people in the group that you want to identify the friend. Members of the group is probably very open free ding you because you had the group together. You might say something like: "I see we are both members of the group of accounts in the government. I am very interested in connecting with other professionalsarea and would like to introduce you to my network connection "It 's a good way to grow your network and find out about job opportunities ..

Easy Resume

You can do this program on Facebook with a smaller version of your resume to your Facebook profile instead.

Brave New Talent

This social networking application that allows you to have direct contact with employers and employers' organizations to participate in online communities.

Original Article

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