Create Google Plus Circles for Your Job Search

by Hannah Morgan

OK, I got you with the headline, but first, can we talk about your job search approach…reactive or proactive?

Proactive Job Search

Defined by me (and others as well) as one in which you are seeking information from target company contacts about opportunities that may not yet be public.  A proactive job search is one in which you have control over.  Miriam Salpeter of Keppie Careers writes for On Careers and her post The Best Way to Take Control of Your Job Search has more detail (plus she references some of my tips!)

Reactive Job Search

This is the type of search where all you do is apply for jobs that are announced on job boards.  You spend most of your time just applying to jobs and are most likely one of hundreds or thousands applying.  Obviously, this type of search requires less effort and also nets poorer results.

Define Your Target Audience

Just ask yourself, “Who are the employers that would hire this type of position?”.  If you don’t know that answer to that question, ask people you know if they have the answer.  You can also visit your public library or check out some of the resources in Going Directly to the Source.

Now, On to the fun stuff!

If you haven’t heard about Google Plus (Google+) yet, you will probably want to check it out.  Whether you are an active or a passive job seeker, this tool has some great features and Search Engine power (it is a Google product!). You can read more about the features and benefits of Google Plus on Google+ Opens Up…Should You Jump On for Job Search?

Finding Targets on Google +

After you have created your branded Google Plus profile and shared at least one interesting/on brand post/update on Google+, you are ready to create circles and start adding people to your circles.
I suggest creating circles by target company to make it easy and clear to follow what they are saying and doing.  If it is easier for you to create a circle called “Target Companies” that’s fine too.

Read the rest of the CareerSherpa article for more tips and examples

Hannah Morgan, Job Search , Career and Social Media Strategist
Founder of Career

What you will find on my site:

I dish out all kinds of advice on job search, careers, social networking, personal branding, you name it. Everything that has anything to do with providing you with necessary information to start your job search off on the right foot, keep it moving forward and maintain the search momentum once you’ve landed your next great gig!

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