Friday, January 6, 2012

New Rules For Branding On The Job Search


Advice about developing a personal brand is widely accepted because it is effective. But, in today’s economy, there are new rules for personal branding, especially on the job search.
Traditionally, your personal brand is the absolute best of yourself. It is purposefully unique and encompasses the kind of problems you solve, the way that you get things done, the situations that you excel in and the types of organizations you build. It is your values and your personality; it’s the very best of you.
Yet, today, in the job search, the brand that you worked so hard to develop just doesn’t cut it any more.
Your personal brand needs a few new rules.

Rule #1: Your brand is not about you. As counter intuitive as that sounds, your brand is not about you. Rather, it is about the value you deliver externally. Its all about your audience: their challenges, their needs, their dreams and how you can get them there.

Rule #2: Your brand is different for every opportunity. In the same way that you adapt to different situations, your brand needs change for every opportunity. It will emphasize different strengths, experiences and capabilities based on your audience (and their challenges, needs and dreams).

Rule #3: You need to be their Super Hero. Feel free to laugh at the name, but lets be clear, the goal of your personal brand is convey a direct and concise story about how you will be the organization’s Super Hero. That is, how you will defeat their challenges and enact the change that they are desperate to make.

More advice and complete article

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