9 Steps You Can Take Today To Find A New Job in 2013

It’s a brand new year, a time where many people attack their New Year’s resolutions with excitement and resolve. If you were one of the many people whose resolution involves finding a new job or making  career change, you may be wondering where to start. Here are nine steps you can take today to position yourself well to find your next gig.
  1. Update your resume: How long has it been since you updated your resume? Chances are it could benefit from at least a few tweaks. Whether you’re actively looking for a job or not, it’s a good idea to keep you resume current as you never know when an opportunity may come along. Here are some resources that can help: How To Spruce Up A Boring Resume (via Mashable), Tips for Writing a Resume in Online World (via WSJ)
  2. Update your LinkedIn profile: Most recruiters are actively using LinkedIn to find candidates. Will they find you? If so, what will they find? Do you have a (somewhat professional) photo? Do you have a compelling headline that will catch their attention? Is your profile 100% complete? LinkedIn is one of the top sourcing platforms for Recruiters, so how you present yourself here is important. You can find some great tips on how to create a compelling profile from LinkedIn expert Craig Fisher here
  3. Create a LinkedIn job search agent: While you’re at it, use the advanced job search feature in LinkedIn to search for compelling jobs. When you’re on the results page, save those results and create an agent. You can configure the agent to send you daily or weekly listings of job opportunities directly to your inbox.
  4. Create an Indeed.com search agent: Indeed.com is another great resource many job seekers may not be aware of. They are the #1 job site worldwide, with over 80 million unique visitors and 1.5 billion job searches per month. Indeed aggregates job listings from job boards, career sites, and other area of the web and presents them in a clean searchable format. You can also create job search agents like the above LinkedIn example. Here are some additional job search tips from Indeed.

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